A Pretty Lax Morning Skin Care Routine
I love a good routine. Here is a list of definitive steps to get you to your goal. It gives me a sense of safety and clarity when I tend to feel lost. A skincare routine shouldn’t feel that deep, but it’s nice to know exactly when my skin will react positively.
My skin tends to be oily throughout the year. It amps up in the warmer months. I’ve never done a deep dive into my skin type or gone to an esthetician to receive any diagnosis. I am not a licensed professional. I’ve only done a lot of trial and error and found what works best for me. The steps are always the same: wash, toner, moisturizer, and sealant. When my skin needs extra care, my grapefruit sugar scrub will be incorporated before all other steps.
Wash face with African Black Soap. While the Shea Moisture brand is solid and accessible, there are too many additives for scent that my skin reacts poorly to. Our Earth’s Secrets brand dries my skin out but leaves it nice and clean. With an oily skin type, this soap on my face in the mornings allows for a fresh canvas for the rest of the routine.
Apply Rose Water Micellar Water. After that soap, it’s important to rehydrate. This micellar water is found in nearly every CVS or Shoprite. Apply using a cotton pad or pour into a spray bottle and spritz on face.
Apply Nivea Creme. This is fairly new that my skin hasn’t yelled at me about yet. While looking for a face lotion that works best with my skin type, I found Ixora Botanical Beauty’s Donkey Milk and Argan Oil Moisturizer to feel amazing. Unfortunately, I needed to find something more sustainable and accessible. While I will occasionally invest in moisturizers that I’ve found my skin to respond well to the best, the Nivea creme does exactly what I need it to do for my daily morning routine. Apply dots of creme on cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead then incorporate into skin.
This step changes based on the weather and how my skin reacts to it. Year-round, however, this seems to be the best choice. Apply Rosehip Oil. My cousin put me on to this years ago. Rosehip oil aides in boosting immunity, balances skin tone, and calms inflammation. I’ve found it to help the scarring on my face fade away. Incorporating this into my routine has been a game changer. Apply using a dropper on cheeks and forehead. Incorporate into skin.
Bonus: In the winter, there are times when the rosehip oil isn’t as moisturizing as I need it to be. Substitute the rosehip oil for Lush’s Argan Oil Bar. Yet another thing my cousin put me on to. It smells AMAZING and doesn’t irritate my skin with the scent.
Another bonus because I love Lush’s stuff: Try Lush’s Sleepy Body Lotion. Its calming properties, including lavender, make for a great nighttime routine after the shower. Apply to entire body before settling down for the night. It’s my favorite part of the day. Mostly because I get to sleep right after.
Doing this routine while my coffee brews in the mornings is the perfect start to each day. Whether I’m on the way to work, running errands for the day, or getting ready for brunch on the weekends, this routine is the perfect way to meditate on the day and prepare for the challenges to come.